Jacksonville Umpires Association

Thank you for your interest in the Jacksonville Umpires Association (JUA). For new prospects, welcome. The JUA is always in need of those who want to learn the skills of being an official. All training can be obtained within JUA and actual field assignments are tailored to the individual umpire's experience.  For transfers or returning officials, As a fellow official, I look forward to meeting you and hearing a few “what if” stories. If you have not been a member of JUA before, I hope to hit the highlights of things that you may encounter: If you are interested in becoming a member please go to the Umpires Section and fill out membership form.  To learn more about what we offer please select links below.

About Us

Learn How our Schools Division supports High School Baseball and Softball in the surrounding areas 

Learn How our Contracts Division supports Local Leagues from Adult Softball to T-Ball

Learn about who we are, when we meet and how continue to education train and provide quality umpires